Idaho STEM Ecosystem

Chief Science Officer Program

Chief Science Officer Opportunity

Chief Science Officers are destined to…

  • Create a global network of diverse STEM leaders.
  • Foster communication and collaboration among CSOs.
  • Enrich STEM culture and career awareness.
  • Amplify student voice in STEM conversations in the community.

Science Officers (CSOs) amplify student voice by bringing their peers and community leaders together to ignite new opportunities in STEM. CSOs are students in grades 6 through 12 who are either elected by their peers or selected by their teachers to be a liaison for STEM and innovation in their schools and community. The CSO program, developed by the Arizona SciTech Institute, is currently in 10 states and 4 countries.

CSOs attend the virtual Leadership Training Institute and then develop a yearly action plan outlining the STEM project(s) that they commit to completing during the school year. They are supported by a school-based mentor, typically a classroom teacher, along with the regional Idaho EcosySTEM hub coordinator. CSOs also attend monthly meetings, which could include CSO Saturday which brings CSOs from all over the world together virtually for a 90 minute meeting/showcase.

CSO Logo

Program Partner:
CSO International

Enrollment Window:
Sept. 1, 2023-Sept. 30, 2023

Dates of Training: TBD

Fees: Free to schools/CSOs to participate

Interested in becoming a CSO? Contact your Regional Hub Coordinator.

Regional Hub Coordinators:

State Coordinator
Erica Compton

INNC (Idaho North & North Central) Regions 1 & 2
Susan Stauffer

SWISH (Southwest Idaho)
Region 3
ReBekha Lulu

ISEE (Idaho South East & East) Regions 4, 5 & 6
Ashley Schaffner